Sunday, October 31, 2010

Leadership Symphony

As I sit here quietly, contemplating tomorrow's events, my mind keeps wondering off into the ozone's. I have this utopian image of what it would be like if the majority of people in leadership roles today (business, government, administration, teachers, parents, etc.) all had the same overriding vision. Leaders all over the world need a vision that has the power to create a foundation whereby everyone is inspired to do their best work. What would that one common goal sound like? What sweet harmony would it play? In what ways would it entice us to dance more freely? How would it beckon us to remove the deep seated fears that hold us back? Would we find the courage we need in each musical note to reach heights never before imagined?

Of course, I don't have answers to this imaginary state, but it's a vision that I don't mind wrapping my head around, even for a brief moment in time, real or imaginary. If you dare allow your mind to drift into this space as well, from time to time, please share what your Leadership Symphony would call us to consider or do.

Sidebar: Have fun and commit yourself whole heartily to the things that have a positive effect on the lives of those around you. Make every effort to discover who you are. Challenge your own thoughts and reasons for doing and being on a regular basis.

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